Cleaning a house can be a tiring job that gets frustrating when you do not get the results that you want right away. Sometimes the?cleaning products?that you buy in the grocery store don’t seem to be effective with their use. The reality is you do not have to spend so much with these kinds of products, your everyday ingredients are enough to give you effective results when it comes to cleaning.?? 

  • Shoes are a factor that gets your floor dirty, you struggle to keep your floors clean when the shoes that enter your home are dirty as well. The best thing to do is to get rid of the root problem which is the dirty shoes. The best way to clean a pair of sneakers is by using toothpaste and a toothbrush, just rub the shoe with this product in a circular motion. In a few seconds, you will notice that all the dirt and stains will vanish and you will get a brand-new look right away.?? 
  • The carpet will be the number one victim of dirty shoes and if stains are not removed for a longer period, it will eventually harden and become much easier to get rid of. If this is the case, you will need to hire a professional?carpet cleaning? to maintain the quality of your carpet flooring.? 
  • The aftermath you get when using a pan for cooking is probably stress because it is hard to get rid of the burnt parts that are stuck in the bottom of the pan. You use up a lot of energy trying to scrape it all away, but there is an easier way to get rid of this. All you need is warm water and vinegar, pour it into the pan, and let it settle. After draining the liquid substance, you will be able to wipe the pan clean and make it look shiny again.?? 
  • If you have kids, it can be truly a challenge to clean up after their playtime. Especially if there is glitter involved, which almost seems impossible to clean up. But the key to cleaning up glitter is having a sticky surface, and what better way to make it vanish with a ball of clay dough? The clay will easily pick up the small pieces of glitter that are laying on the floor and will give you a clean floor almost instantly.?? 
  • If you are experiencing juice stains on your couch there won’t be any need to stress out because there is a sure way of removing it. All you need is a teaspoon of liquid soap mixed in warm water and a drop of dye remover. This will all the color disintegrate and slowly fade away as you apply the wiping motion.?? 
  • If you find that there are pieces of gum stuck to your bed then the best way to get it without having to cut through the fabric is to first apply it to the gum. After heating the area of effect with a hairdryer, this will semi-loosen the piece of gum and you will be able to scrape it off with ease after 3 to 4 minutes.??